Looking to compare gas prices in NZ? Use our hot water cost comparison tool to compare different options for heating the water at your place.
Compare natural gas, electricity, LPG and solar hot water systems. It only takes a few minutes to calculate the estimated running costs and upfront costs for your household to see how much you could save.
If you’re looking to choose the best hot water system for your home, head over to our hot water cost comparison tool now!
Easily compare different options for heating the water at your place including natural gas, electric, LPG and solar-boosted systems. This very handy comparison tool will estimate the annual running costs for your household size and location if you’re within one of The Gas Hub’s natural gas network regions - Wellington, Taranaki, ManawatÅ« and Hawke's Bay.
The comparison tool also compares the upfront costs among different hot water systems, giving you a breakdown of the estimated appliance cost. This is based on the right sized water heater for your household size and the potential installation pricing for this.
Simply select the option that best describes your situation - building a new home, replacing your current hot water system, or moving home. The comparison tool asks a few questions including which appliances you’d like to compare, like your existing electric hot water cylinder with a gas-powered cylinder. You’ll also identify your region and how many people are in your household, because energy costs and appliance costs vary depending on common variables like these. The great news is that you don’t need to input any tricky information or have an energy bill handy to input data from this.
It only takes a few minutes to calculate how much you could save and you can even opt to have your results emailed to you!
Use the hot water cost comparison tool now to help decide if natural gas is the right choice for you. If it is, we can help with a natural gas connection.