Hot water
Find out how to improve the hot water situation by connecting your home to gas. Choose a natural gas water heater and enjoy powerful and reliable showers. There are high efficiency, yet affordable systems for every household from instant gas continuous flow to cylinders. Enjoy better hot water with natural gas.

A home heated with natural gas is luxuriously comfortable and highly efficient. From ambient flame-effect fires to economical space heaters to whole-home central heating, there’s a heating solution for every household and every budget. Enjoy better heating with natural gas.

Embrace the power of natural gas in your home's kitchen and become the culinary guru you’ve always dreamed of being. Gas hobs are fast, hot, and precise. Cook at low temperatures for the perfect melted chocolate, or crank it up instantly to sear a succulent steak.

Building or renovating
Make connecting your house to natural gas part of your building or renovation plans from the very start. Improve energy efficiency, save on building costs, and future proof your home for later add-ons. Modern gas appliances are flexible, convenient and high-performing.

Bottle-less BBQ
You'll love your backyard even more with a gas-powered fireplace. Choose from a range of modern fires that give toasty-warm flames at the flick-of-a-switch and allow you to enjoy your outdoor oasis no matter the weather. Increase the appeal of your home with a gas fire today.

Save on energy
With high efficiency appliances and per-unit pricing of natural gas around one-third that of electricity, you'll likely save by making the switch. Using more than four big LPG bottles a year? You'll save money by connecting your house to natural gas.